
Alan White Company Fire

Around 9pm last night fire units were dispatched to the Alan White company in Shannon for a fire. A large quantity of lumber was stacked on the south end of the company on the outside. Units from Shannon, South Lee, Palmetto, Nettleton, and Cason fire departments worked through the night and into the day to keep the Fire contained and not allowing it to spread to the structure. Due to the large stacks of lumber it was impossible to extinguish. Great job to all the fire fighters on scene.

Willoughby Appointed to Board

At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Palmetto Old Union Fire Department, Stacey Willoughby was appointed as a new board member.  Stacey will serve as Secretary/Treasurer of the board.  Her willingness to serve is greatly appreciated and we all look forward to working with her. Please help us make her feel welcome.     

EMR Training

Tonight we were refreshed on the different parts and tools that are carried on a medic unit. The new auto load which makes loading a patient in the ambulance much easier and the auto pulse that will do chest compressions for you during CPR technology is always changing and we have to stay on top of it. Big thanks to Kelly Burleson and James Goldman for your time to come out and showing all our EMR’s how it all operates.

Fire Training

Big thanks to the Tupelo Fire Department for allowing us to train in your facility today. Great training meeting for us all. Shout out to those that showed up today to continue to make yourself better in the fire service. Thanks to Joe Gurley and Verona Chief Kristian Skol for providing the knowledge to further this group of men and women.

Volunteer Firefighter Decline

In Lee County, Mississippi, the number of volunteer firefighters is falling, echoing state and national trends. At many of the county’s volunteer fire departments, as few as three or four people regularly respond to calls.
Story on the the decline of volunteers and its impact on rural fire here for full article


Contact us with any questions or concerns.

  825 Road 261, Tupelo, MS 38801